Ørsted – Corporate Communication

Client: Ørsted 

Brief: Increase the recognition of the Danish energy producer Ørsted and position it as a global leader in offshore wind energy and a key partner in Poland’s energy transition. Build the perception that offshore wind energy is a crucial element of the energy mix and system transformation in Poland. 


  • Presence with key messages in influential and industry media—TVP Info, Rzeczpospolita, Puls Biznesu.
  • Media exposure of the client’s representatives—individual interviews and comments in the press.
  • Wide coverage and positive reception of the developed video podcasts by the internal stakeholder
  • Positive internal client feedback on the stakeholder audit.
  • Significant increase in brand visibility among those interested in the economy and climate.


  • The parliamentary elections in October 2023 resulted in a change of the Government, making it vital to maintain offshore wind energy as a key element of Poland’s energy security.
  • Foreign investors’ involvement enables offshore development in Poland, but there are high expectations for Polish suppliers and subcontractors to be involved in offshore wind farm projects. Unfortunately, the level of local content in the first phase projects is considered too low.
  • Phase two projects will be carried out through auctions, which are expected to take place in 2025. However, there is a lack of information regarding the process and guidelines for the planned auctions.
  • The offshore industry is facing challenges, including rising raw material costs due to the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, which requires a redefinition of business strategies.


The energy transition requires a rapid shift away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. Offshore wind energy is one of the main pillars of Europe’s green transformation, while in Poland, with the development of offshore industry and the changes underway, the composition of the energy mix will change significantly. Currently, the first phase of offshore wind farm development is in progress in the country. Ørsted, a global leader in offshore wind energy, together with PGE Baltica, is creating the largest investment in the Baltic Sea—Baltica 2 and 3. The total capacity of these wind farms will reach 2.5 GW, and the energy produced will power nearly 4 million households.

In Poland, the trend towards transforming the energy sector is moving in the right direction, but the pace and scale are not yet sufficient. There is a need to speed up procedures in line with European energy policy and to implement urgent legislative changes to support offshore wind energy in Poland.


  • Active support for the client’s press office in corporate communications, including strategy development, recommendations of tactical actions and tools, media relations, content creation for LinkedIn and X, expert positioning of client representatives.
  • Creation of the video podcast series “Energy from the sea” with an independent partner—TOK FM radio, to bring offshore energy topics closer to the public.
  • Organisation of the “Offshore Masterclass for Media. Powered by Ørsted” workshop to provide journalists with a behind-the-scenes look at the construction of offshore wind farms. Ørsted specialists shared their practical knowledge, showcased the scale of the project, and presented the necessary technologies that minimize risk and increase safety, a priority for the Danish company.
  • Development of a comprehensive stakeholder mapping for Ørsted, covering government, parliament, public administration, and local government. The audit included preparing information on professional profiles, views on the country’s energy policy, relationship maps, SWOT analysis, and action recommendations.
  • Creation of a comprehensive concept for the client’s presence at the most important event in the renewable energy sector—the PSEW Conference, including the design of the stand, on-site support, and media advisory services.
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